Join me for one on one coaching sessions where you’ll discover new and exciting ways to enjoy more fulfilling love, elevate your sex life and magnetize the relationship of your dreams.

Want to elevate your love life and explore new horizons in love, sex and relationships?

Whether you are really good in all areas of your life but just not in attracting the amazing partner or having the fulfilling relationship you know is possible…

Or you are reasonably good at sex but your body is not responding in the way you want and you are not experiencing your full orgasmic potential and the amount of pleasure and passion you truly desire…

Or you are in an OK relationship yet you feel like something is missing, or you are stuck in same old patterns that arn’t serving and want clarity on how to deepen your connection and elevate your sex life…

Or you are curious about Tantra and Sacred sexuality what it is and how this mysterious path can improve your love and sex life…

Then coaching is an amazing opportunity to laser focus on your greater vision while getting faster results, lasting change and transformation.


Hi, I’m Naomi, I am an International Tantra Teacher, Intimacy & Relationships Coach and i’m here to empower you to thrive:

When it comes to Love, Sex and Relationships, people are often held back from having what they desire by the same core issues and wounds coming up over and over again. After experiencing the frustration of this in my own life, and seeing the same recurring patterns. I decided i had enough and began to look for the answers. This lead me to study with some of the best Teachers and schools around the world, and gain great insights and powerful techniques.

The coaching system i use is an advanced integrative system, which combines ancient Tantric teachings with modern coaching technologies to give you the capacity to have lasting change and transformation in your life. Through this unique coaching system we will dive deep into the heart of the core issues, beliefs and past experiences that get in the way of you having the love life you deeply yearn for. Using effective tools and techniques, we can liberate your body-mind and clear the subconscious blocks that hold you back. This gives you the capacity to come back into a place of wholeness, and manifest the ultimate love, sex and relationships you truly desire.


  • Explore the evolutionary and transformative path of Tantra, Conscious relating and Sacred sexuality
  • Learn about your erotic nature, your erotic blueprint and how to increase sexual desire with others
  • Go through breakups in a conscious and loving way
  • Learn to clearly communicate your boundaries and ask for what you need and desire without fear
  • Embody and enjoy more love in your life, discover your love languages and self love practices
  • Increase your orgasmic potential and experience full body and multiple orgasms
  • Explore spiritual expansion through sexuality
  • Develop sexual mastery and drive partners wild in the bedroom
  • Heal sexual trauma or low libido, let go of shame and guilt and unleash your full sexual potential
  • Discover ways to healthily express your masculine and feminine
  • Clear negative patterns, subconscious blocks and outdated conditioning that keep you small in love, sex and relationships
  • Consciously attract the perfect mate to fulfill your relationship dreams
  • Connect to your true essence and walk your authentic path
  • Deepen intimacy through conscious communication, authentic relating and connection practices
  • Take your love, sex, relationships and life to the next level


During a coaching program you will get live coaching calls (via zoom), learn powerful practices and techniques, have email support, and be held accountable to thrive in whatever aspects inspire you around love, sex, relationships and life.


Get 4, 8 or 12 one hour coaching calls via zoom (depending on how deep you want to dive). In each session we will begin with a check-in, then explore how to create your ideal vision through inner and outer work.


For the length of the coaching program you are welcome to write to me via email and get support around what we worked on in the sessions. I will also send you emails explaining the practices covered after sessions.


Discover powerful practices and techniques to support inner and outer transformation. These can include: meditation, breathwork, Tantric practices, embodiment exercises and sexual energy cultivation practices etc


  • I’m a certified Vita Sex, Love & Relationship coach – (One of the best coaching programs out there)
  • I have been on a Tantra path for 15+ years and have a very holistic, integrated, deep training in it from the sexual to spiritual
  • I’m an experienced facilitator of Tantra, Yoga & Conscious relating events & have taught over 2000+hrs
  • I co-founded the Heart of Tantra festival, which has been running successfully for over 5 years
  • I have experienced first-hand the powerful transformations from a Tantra path and can support you from living it
  • I keep my finger on the pulse with continuous education in the most progressive fields of Tantra, love, sex and relationships


  • I hold a neutral, safe, nonjudgemental space, where you can feel fully seen and heard
  • I support you to grow, by inviting you to explore your edges and giving insights into what’s under surface level reactions
  • I fully accept and receive the truth of where you are at
  • I am here as your ally and a supportive female presence
  • I help you to thrive by encouraging you to cultivate self-responsibility, self-love, self-acceptance, and connection to your authentic essence
  • I embrace a diversity of gender and sexual orientations
  • I guide you from a foundation of knowledge because I am committed to healing past wounds, healthy sexuality, and thriving relationships


Coaching is perfect if you are:

  • Desiring to go to the next level in love, sex, relationships or life
  • Wanting transformation; not just more tools and tricks
  • Committed to do the inner and outer work
  • Open minded and willing to grow and expand your edges
  • Wanting accountability to improve your life
  • Desiring to ground more into your authentic essence


Coaching is not for individuals who are:

  • Looking to be healed from serious trauma
  • Can’t commit or be accountable to do the work
  • Not willing to be self-responsible
  • Wanting sexually explicit interactions with me
  • Looking for more tools, without the transformation
  • Not willing to be coached


Invest in yourself and create your ideal life through the transformative power of coaching!
Choose from one of the three programs below, designed to suit your time, commitment level and budget. A light dose will give you a taste of what’s involved, where you can see if coaching is for you and if you want to go deeper. A medium dose will give you a reasonable taste, where you can ground into your higher vision and clear away blocks and limitations to experience transformation. A deep dose brings your vision to life, and can create lasting transformation, healthy patterns and next level ways to enjoy your life.

I also offer 1 on 1 sessions for $130. A 1 on 1 session is perfect if you don’t want to commit to a program and would like to get a sense of how i work and find out  what happens in a coaching session.

NB –  All programs must be completed within a year and must be paid in full before you begin. 



• 4 x 1hr coaching calls
• Intentions and visioning
• Techniques and practices
• Email support
• Support with accountability

Investment: $499 



• 8 x 1hr coaching calls
• Intentions and visioning
• Techniques and practices
• Email support
• Support with accountability

Investment: $949



• 12 x 1hr Coaching calls
• Intentions and visioning
• Techniques and practices
• Email support
• Support with accountability

Investment: $1349

If you are from Canada or New Zealand and want to pay in the local currency to save conversion fees, email me at naomipremadevi (at) to get my banking info.

Huge heartfelt thank you to Naomi. She guided and supported me through hardships on my healing journey. Of course, it’s a never-ending work, but I got so much wisdom and knowledge from our sessions. Naomi opened my eyes and brought to light the parts of myself that I used to hide.

I highly recommend sessions with Naomi for all self-truth and self-love seekers.
– Masha

Thank you so much for the coaching sessions. You were so clear, respectful and knowledgeable. This was my first time doing coaching and I really enjoyed my experience. I am inspired to learn more about Tantra after working with you.
– Alex

Before working with Naomi, I found myself continuously hitting a wall in my romantic relationships. I also felt very disconnected from myself and my body in general. Naomi was wonderful at creating a grounded, safe, and non-judgmental space to help me drop into my body and explore what was going on for me. With the excellent container she created and her sensitive intuition, she helped me to navigate and heal my wounds, release and forgive past lovers, embody and celebrate my archetypes, strengthen my boundaries, and, most importantly, cultivate a deeply loving relationship with myself. I no longer repeatedly hit that wall in relationship (which was actually a mirror of my wounding) and I feel more connected to myself (body included!) than ever. I’m very grateful for the work we did together, I truly cannot recommend this beautiful soul enough.
– Samantha R.

I love having sessions with you. They always go exactly where they need too.
– Tyler

Your coaching is encouraging and inspiring. I love how you set the space and energy, holding a safe container for me to go deep.
– Hilary

It has been awesome working with you! Your wisdom and guidance have been incredibly valuable – particularly while I’ve been growing into a new relationship.
– George



If you want to experience real transformation in your love, sex or relationship life, then coaching sessions are the way to go. Coaching sessions are custom designed and laser focused to support you: in awakening your unique essence, in removing your blocks to intimacy, increase your orgasmic capacity, while empowering you with tools and practices to create an epic life on all levels.

Some Key Benefits coaching offers:

  • Coaching sessions give you the chance to go deeper, aligning you with your unique essence and authentic path
  • They clear away the subconscious blocks that get in the way of having what you want
  • A series of coaching sessions can create lasting transformation and change
  • You can feel safe to be yourself, while you are held in a safe, neutral space where you accepted with positive regard
  • You have a reason to be accountable to take your life to the next level

Each session is crafted to fit your desired intentions and goals. We begin with a check-in to see what outcomes you wish to create and then we move into coaching.

This cutting edge form of coaching not only looks at the goals you wish to achieve, but we also work with powerful practices to clear your subconscious patterns as well. Some of the practices can include: Mediation, Tantric practices, embodiment exercises, aspecting, gestalt, breath work, dyads and sexual energy cultivation practices etc.

To see lasting results it is good to commit to the goals you make and complete the full coaching program.


To keep momentum with your goals, i recommend doing coaching sessions 1 to 2 weeks apart.


A Coaching Package or session must be used up within the following timeframes from the date of initial purchase:

  • A 4 session package it must be completed within 4 months
  • An 8 session package it must be completed within 8 months
  • A 12 session package it must be completed within a year
  • A one-off session, must be used within one month of purchase

• All of this applies unless a different agreement is created at the date of purchase.


While sexual energy may be come up in a coaching session, I am not sexually explicit with clients. For example i do not have sexual intercourse, or give oral pleasure or hand jobs to clients.


Once you have paid in full, there are no refunds for sessions already completed. Any sessions not completed in a program, will be refunded on a case by case basis. 


Fill out the booking inquiry form below, to arrange a complimentary 20 minute Skype, Zoom or Phone conversation to connect & explore your current situation and intentions and to determine if I am the right person for you to work with.

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